Pennsylvania Governor wants to increase rebates for hybrid cars

The hybrid rebate program has been so successful in the past, that Pennsylvania ran out of money to fund the program in the 2005-06 fiscal ...

The hybrid rebate program has been so successful in the past, that Pennsylvania ran out of money to fund the program in the 2005-06 fiscal year. Now that Pennsylvania is finding itself in a tax revenue windfall, Governor Edward Rendell (D) wants to double the rebate to $1000. He is also looking to pay for business and family tax cuts, help subsidize prescription drugs for seniors and is proposing a sales tax holiday for consumers who buy energy-efficient appliances.

Pretty ambitious goals for a governor who is up for re-election this year.

The surplus is running to about $700 million with extra coming in from increases in personal income and real estate taxes. Only $260 million will be available for spending, however.


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