Nissan to Install Fuel Economy Meters on All Cars
Nissan is looking to inform drivers about their fuel consumption by installing gauges on all of their new cars. A meter will tell the driv...

Nissan estimates fuel economy could increase by 10%.
In my own experience, I know this would be helpful for me, but it's not for everybody. I once rented a car that gave instant feedback on fuel economy as well as your overall average. When I got the car, the average mpg reading was 16. Seeing that number made me a little depressed as I started wondering how much I was going to have to spend on fuel that week. But by the time I turned it in, I had the average up over 25 mpg.
Based on the initial reading, I was surprised by what the car could do. But the lasting lesson I got was even instant feedback on your fuel consumption in this high gas price era is not good enough to change some drivers.