Back at it

My stomach has been feeling much better lately and I've been back at the workouts. Legs feel pretty good and I'm trying to be smart...

My stomach has been feeling much better lately and I've been back at the workouts. Legs feel pretty good and I'm trying to be smart and not bite of more than I can chew, but rather select power levels that are somewhat doable in order to get through some full workouts. Aerobically, I definitely feel at a lower level than last year. Just in my heart and my chest I can tell. I'm trying not to worry about that too much as it always seem that the aerobic part is the easiest to adapt and that it's the muscular part that really takes awhile with me.

I've wisely selected 2min power levels that are significantly lower than the 1x power levels. As a recent commenter pointed out there is a big difference when going from 1minute to 2minutes. Much bigger than when going from 4 minutes to 12 minutes.

If history is an indicator my 4min intervals this week are actually a predictor of what my 10 and 12 minute intervals will be at in another month. This is a great indicator that this Morris stuff works.

So overall I've accomplished some pretty high 1x intervals compared to last year, but all the other time interals (2, 3, 4min) have been slightly lower than last year. Which is not that bad at all considering that I am nowhere near the level of commitment and focus as last year.

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