It May Not Be Green, But it is Admirable

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter has decided to be driven to and from his official duties as Mayor in a brand new 2008 Chevy Tahoe Hybrid S...

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter has decided to be driven to and from his official duties as Mayor in a brand new 2008 Chevy Tahoe Hybrid SUV. At a cost of $55,000, it's understandable when taxpayers start to wonder about the choice.

But lucky for them, they will not be paying the bill for Nutter's choice of wheels. Instead, he'll be paying it out of his campaign money. The Mayor has turned down a city car for 15 years as a City Council member and I say good for him!

The mayor feels his choice sends a message about "going green." Since the Tahoe Hybrid only gets about 21/22 mpg, I'm not sure the message is going to get through. Unless his other choice was a more traditional gas powered Tahoe, in which case he will be saving about 50% fuel efficiency in city driving.

The 2008 Tahoe Hybrid did win the 2008 Green Car of the Year award and was nominated for Truck of the Year. And it's quickly becoming the SUV hybrid of choice for some politicians and celebrities.

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