Hybrid Car Research, Are Hybrid Cars Sustainable

A new paper from Inderscience publication International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, suggests that adoption of hybrid el...

A new paper from Inderscience publication International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, suggests that adoption of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) (hybrid cars to you) may slow down development of more sustainable fuel-cell powered electric vehicles. But the paper also acknowledges that fuel cell vehicles are most likely not going to be available in high volumes before 2025.

So... In the meantime, "There is a general convergence of strategies towards promoting hybrid vehicles as the mid-term solution to very low-emission and high-mileage vehicles," the researchers assert, "this is largely due to Toyota’s strategy of learning the technology, while building up its own ‘quasi-standard’, thanks to its high-quality and reliability reputation and its high market share on the North American market." They add that, "Such a convergence is based more on customer perception triggered by very clever marketing and communication campaigns than on pure rationale scientific arguments and may result in the need for any manufacturer operating in the USA to have a hybrid electric vehicle in its model range in order to survive."

I don't think anyone thinks hybrid vehicles are a long term solution to emissions problems. Removing gasoline from the picture may be the only way to do so. But in the here and now, hybrid vehicles that are designed for fuel efficiency are a great solution for extending our fuel economy and reducing emissions.

One interesting assertion: A misstep in delivering hybrid technology for an automaker may put them into a take-over candidate.

Read the write-up at physorg: The trouble with hybrids: Hybrid electric vehicles not as green as they are painted

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