Hybrid Cars Get Preferred Parking at Office Buildings in Long Island

Hybrid car owners tend are finding there are more rewards to buying their cars than they thought in New York City. RexCorp, one of the larg...

Hybrid car owners tend are finding there are more rewards to buying their cars than they thought in New York City. RexCorp, one of the largest real estate developers and property owners on Long Island, are reserving prime spots for hybrid cars at their office buildings.

Other 'perks' for hybrid drivers I've seen include some retail companies setting aside spots for hybrid cars, including solo HOV lane access, free parking in some towns and cities, and better/discount/free parking in some parking lots.  Some companies have even offered money to employees who buy hybrid cars, including Bank of America, Google and Timberlake.

Buying a hybrid can be an expensive proposition.  By offsetting the costs with these perks, companies, towns, cities, states and the federal government are encouraging people to go ahead and spend a little more in order to use less fuel. 

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