Cool E-book
I saw on the newsletter an announcement for a new ebook of theirs called The Ride of Your Life It's about how to fit c...
I saw on the newsletter an announcement for a new ebook of theirs called
The Ride of Your Life
It's about how to fit cycling into your life. A guide for the rest of us with demanding jobs, kids, other interests.
Life's been hectic that last several months, and promises to get more hectic. Work is on the rivet, add in seriously hard class, combined with lack of the prerequisite coursework, plus trying to think about research, plus the kids are getting older. Some might argue that the older the get that it gets easier. But I contend that the older they get, the more they need dad more than mom.
Pretty soon the math homework is going to get harder, and they will begin to learn to drive....That's a ways off I know, but just in the last 6 months I've felt the change in their activity levels in terms of after school and weekend activities.
This is regular life. It isn't what you see or read about in BIKE, and it doesn't include sipping latte's on the patio in Durango or Whistler after a kick ass ride with people with intersting facial hair, and stylish sunglasses. But then again, I live in an idylic college town with a rush 15 minutes and no beltway. I just can't even imagine the basal amount of tension the people contend with on a daily basis in most of the country. But with me, Type A is blind to the scenary
But somewhere in regular life balance needs to find a place. I've been missing that. With me, it always seems to be full tilt on one thing or another. Wide momentum shifts back and forth all or nothing. Drop one at the flick of a switch and pick another up. Like the BLOG. notice how there was nothing for months. Then lately several posts.
Not quite sure I know how to do it. But I'm gonna try. I'm putting the band back together (I hope). On the training plan. Just finished the 3 week transition for lifting and am starting Hypertrophy on Monday or Tuesday. My goal is to find a single race to put on the calendar. And follow the entire Morris training plan to (off season + my inseason plan).
A goal. A beacon of light in the distance. A compass heading to aim for.
You want to know how to achieve a major big deal goal?
Do something (no matter how little) every day towards that goal.
No big goal ever gets accomplished in one day. Or even one week. And my full tilt attitude and nervous anxious need to get it (whatever it is) done now, right now, doesn't cut it for the long haul. The tortise always beats the hare in the end.
So classes haven't even stared yet and I've got a little dream. Now you be the judge come Jan 20 to what kind of posting frequency the blog gets. It could all go down in flames in a few weeks. Dunno.
The good thing, is that Morris plan gives good fitness and results in minimal time. (not minimal effort). It can be made to fit into regular life. I just gotta make it fit that's all.
The training is something that will get written down on a calendar. With something every day. Even a rest day, has a purpose towards the goal. And each day leads to the next day a little at a time.
Somewhat sad a little, to require a plan to keep something so special as mountain biking in the picture. But desparate times require desparate measures. This is such an awesome activity, and the people who are part of my life because of it and the trails I've ridden, the empowerment that it creates, all the cool bike tinkering.... that it is something that needs to be nourished a little bit for a long time to come.
The Ride of Your Life
It's about how to fit cycling into your life. A guide for the rest of us with demanding jobs, kids, other interests.
Life's been hectic that last several months, and promises to get more hectic. Work is on the rivet, add in seriously hard class, combined with lack of the prerequisite coursework, plus trying to think about research, plus the kids are getting older. Some might argue that the older the get that it gets easier. But I contend that the older they get, the more they need dad more than mom.
Pretty soon the math homework is going to get harder, and they will begin to learn to drive....That's a ways off I know, but just in the last 6 months I've felt the change in their activity levels in terms of after school and weekend activities.
This is regular life. It isn't what you see or read about in BIKE, and it doesn't include sipping latte's on the patio in Durango or Whistler after a kick ass ride with people with intersting facial hair, and stylish sunglasses. But then again, I live in an idylic college town with a rush 15 minutes and no beltway. I just can't even imagine the basal amount of tension the people contend with on a daily basis in most of the country. But with me, Type A is blind to the scenary
But somewhere in regular life balance needs to find a place. I've been missing that. With me, it always seems to be full tilt on one thing or another. Wide momentum shifts back and forth all or nothing. Drop one at the flick of a switch and pick another up. Like the BLOG. notice how there was nothing for months. Then lately several posts.
Not quite sure I know how to do it. But I'm gonna try. I'm putting the band back together (I hope). On the training plan. Just finished the 3 week transition for lifting and am starting Hypertrophy on Monday or Tuesday. My goal is to find a single race to put on the calendar. And follow the entire Morris training plan to (off season + my inseason plan).
A goal. A beacon of light in the distance. A compass heading to aim for.
You want to know how to achieve a major big deal goal?
Do something (no matter how little) every day towards that goal.
No big goal ever gets accomplished in one day. Or even one week. And my full tilt attitude and nervous anxious need to get it (whatever it is) done now, right now, doesn't cut it for the long haul. The tortise always beats the hare in the end.
So classes haven't even stared yet and I've got a little dream. Now you be the judge come Jan 20 to what kind of posting frequency the blog gets. It could all go down in flames in a few weeks. Dunno.
The good thing, is that Morris plan gives good fitness and results in minimal time. (not minimal effort). It can be made to fit into regular life. I just gotta make it fit that's all.
The training is something that will get written down on a calendar. With something every day. Even a rest day, has a purpose towards the goal. And each day leads to the next day a little at a time.
Somewhat sad a little, to require a plan to keep something so special as mountain biking in the picture. But desparate times require desparate measures. This is such an awesome activity, and the people who are part of my life because of it and the trails I've ridden, the empowerment that it creates, all the cool bike tinkering.... that it is something that needs to be nourished a little bit for a long time to come.