How to Reverse Electrical Damage On a Battery Jumper Cable

Jumper cables are cables that are used to start one dead battery off another running battery. Improper use can cause electrical damage to th...

Jumper cables are cables that are used to start one dead battery off another running battery. Improper use can cause electrical damage to the cable ends, but moderate damage can be reversed.

In use, the clamps on one end of the cables are connected to the positive and negative posts of the live battery, while the other end's clamps are attached to the dead battery to be jumped. It can be extremely hazardous if the cable ends are attached to the wrong battery posts and can damage the battery and the cables. The ends of the battery terminals cables can melt to the cables. If jumper cables become severely melted or damaged they should simply be replaced. However, if they are only mildly damaged they can be repaired.



    Place the jumper cables on a flat work bench or table.


    Plug the soldering iron in and allow about five minutes for it to heat up.


    Work the tip of the soldering iron along the damaged ends of the jumper cables. Use the solder sucker with the other hand, simultaneously, to suck up and dispose of any resin or scoring that liquefies.


    Wipe the ends of the cables with a damp sponge to further clean them.


    Bend the jumper cable ends back their original shape with a pliers.

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