How to Change the Rear Brakes on a 1994 Jeep Cherokee
The rear brakes on the 1994 Jeep Cherokee are drum brakes. Replacing the brakes involves removing old brake shoes and installing new ones. D...

The rear brakes on the 1994 Jeep Cherokee are drum brakes. Replacing the brakes involves removing old brake shoes and installing new ones. Depending on wear, the brake drum may need to be resurfaced or replaced. When servicing brakes, it is important to complete the job on both wheels. Never replace the brakes on only one side of an axle. Brake service may be done successfully without any specialized tools, though there are some specialized tools that can make the job easier.
Drum Brake Disassembly
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Block the front wheels and release the parking brake. Loosen the rear wheel lug nuts. Raise the rear axle with a jack, then support the vehicle on jack stands. Remove the rear wheels.
2Remove the brake drum from the brake assembly. If the drum does not pull off easily, apply penetrating oil when the hub meets the drum. Wait a few minutes and try to remove the drum again. If necessary, the drum may be tapped outward with a hammer around the interior outer edge to break it loose.
3Wash brake dust off the brake assembly with brake cleaner fluid and allow it to dry.
4Remove the self-adjuster cable and spring from the adjusting lever. Remove the retracting springs from the anchor pin and brake shoes. A spring removal tool can make this job easier, but pliers will work.
5Remove the self-adjuster cable and pin plate from the anchor pin, then remove the adjuster cable guide from the secondary shoe.
6Remove the shoe hold-down springs from each brake shoe, then remove the brake shoes. A brake shoe spring removal tool can make this job easier, but large pliers can work. Remove the parking brake lever clip from the pivot and separate the secondary shoe from the parking brake lever. Be careful not to lose the clip and spring washer.
Drum Brake Assembly
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Secure the new secondary shoe to the parking brake lever with the spring washer and clip. Install the secondary shoe and secure it with the hold-down spring.
8Install the primary shoe and secure it with the hold-down spring. Replace the anchor pin plate and adjuster cable on the anchor pin. Position the cable guide on the secondary shoe, then install the retracting springs
9Install the adjusting lever spring and cable on the adjusting lever.
Brake Drum Installation
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Examine the inner surface of the brake drums. If deep gouges or visibly uneven wear are present, or if the drums are worn too thin, they need to be replaced. Drums that are in excellent condition may be re-installed, but should be de-glazed with fine sandpaper by rubbing in a circular motion along the brake drum surface. When in doubt, have the drums professionally resurfaced.
11Install the drums over the brake and hub assembly on each side. If the drum will not go on, adjust the brake shoes by turning the star wheel on the adjuster to retract the brake shoes.
12Adjust the brakes by inserting a flat-head screwdriver through the hole in the backing plate. Rotate the star wheel until the brakes just begin to drag as the wheel is turned by hand, then back the adjustment off slightly.
13Install the wheels. Lower the vehicle to the ground, then tighten lug nuts securely. Road test the vehicle by making several stops in both forward and reverse.