Inspired by : Anouk Kruithof

Anouk Kruithof  from the Netherlands (currently residing in New York City) creates some absolutely brilliant stuff. Her conceptual work is i...

Anouk Kruithof from the Netherlands (currently residing in New York City) creates some absolutely brilliant stuff. Her conceptual work is interdisciplinary in nature where photography is the starting point. I am mesmerized and incredibly inspired by her work. Here are a few of my favorites she has created.

2. Enclosed Content Chatting Away in the Colour Invisibility

To get an idea of Anouk's cool personality and conceptual mind, watch this video clip.

I especially liked how she talked about her process of ideas...

"I really start with an idea, and once I go into the process, I get rid of the idea because when you start to work and let go, then interesting things happen." 

// all photos from Anouk Kruithof

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