My Mercury Villager's Power Window Is Going Up Slow

Power windows not rolling up in a timely manner not only can cause a failed inspection in some states, but could also be a safety hazard. T...

Power windows not rolling up in a timely manner not only can cause a failed inspection in some states, but could also be a safety hazard. There are only three issues that could cause your Mercury Villager's window to not be operating as it should.

Dust Buildup

    Remove your Villager's door panel for the door that's not operating properly. Once removed, visually inspect the gears and the track the window follows. Look for any blockages or buildup of dirt and dust. Wipe them as clean as possible.


    Another issue that could be giving you a problem with functionality is the track or gears not having enough lubrication to provide a smooth surface. Use a silicone spray lubricant to lubricate the operating gears and the track in which the window slides up.

Bad Motor

    If dust or lubrication issues do not fix your issue, your motor is faulty. This may have been a result of one of the other two scenarios not being taken care of quickly enough and the motor could have burned out or it could just be a victim of time. It's best to have a professional mechanic replace the motor.

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