Music Monday : Workout Music

Music Monday, a little late ... Lately I've been hopping on the treadmill more and although I prefer a good class or going outside, some...

Music Monday, a little late ...

Lately I've been hopping on the treadmill more and although I prefer a good class or going outside, sometimes the only way I can sneak in a cardio moment is when the little one is napping. What makes the treadmill more exciting for me is mixing it up with fresh workout music. Here is what I'm listening to lately. I call it 'T- 30' (Treadmill for 30) but it's actually 33 minutes because I always like to throw in a good cool down song at the end and for this mix it's Ratatat that cues me up to take it slow. What is on your workout playlist mix? I'm all ears.

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