Shiny Glossy Goodness.

It's glossy, it's shiny and it's beautiful. That's pretty much how I feel about my new dining room sideboard. We spotted it ...

It's glossy, it's shiny and it's beautiful. That's pretty much how I feel about my new dining room sideboard. We spotted it at Structube in Montreal and knew it would be perfect for the dining room. Storage, check. White, check. Glossy lacquered finish, bonus. I was sold.

Could we fit it into the car? We were assured that the box it came in was only as long as the piece itself. After a few measurements and rearrangements of our previous purchases, we knew we could make it work. Yep. Off we went to the warehouse to pick it up, pleased with ourselves and our knack for packing.

Only to arrive and see the package. It was a good 8-10 inches longer than promised. There was no way it was fitting. I panicked a little for a second, vaguely remembering the saleslady reminding me there were no returns as I sailed out of the store, engulfed in my retail bliss. What to do? Steph sprain into action, pushing my seat up so my knees were jammed against the dashboard. The box was pushed in as far as it would go and still hung out the back. He tied the trunk shut as best he could and we crossed our fingers, heading to his aunt and uncle's across the city, praying nothing would fall out.

Upon arriving we removed some pieces from the box, wrapped them in old sheets and gently placed them among the other pieces taking up residence in the trunk. A dining room table, bathroom vanity and sink.. I told you we were good packers! The end of the box was cut off and the trunk door jammed shut. We did it.

Now it's home in our dining room. Worth all the trouble:)

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