Globe Telecom connects in the cloud
Posted by Ernest L. Cu, President and CEO of Globe Telecom Editor's note: Today’s post comes from guest blogger Ernest L. Cu, Presiden...

Editor's note: Today’s post comes from guest blogger Ernest L. Cu, President and CEO of Globe Telecom, a telecommunications company in The Philippines. See what other organizations that have gone Google have to say.
At Globe Telecom we work to quickly and easily connect people to one another and to the information they need. As one of the country’s largest telecommunications companies, we have a vast network of mobile, fixed line, and broadband Internet services that connect 36 million customers across over 7,000 islands of the archipelago.
Filipinos love technology. In fact, we have the highest rate of smartphone adoption in South East Asia. The country is experiencing an exciting time of economic growth, and to support this growth and provide our customers with the great service they expect, Globe is going through its own process of transformation and innovation. We’re upgrading our network and systems as well as moving our headquarters to Fort Bonifacio.
To manage this change and give our customers great service, our internal communication systems need to be fast and reliable. This is why we’ve decided to make the switch to Google Apps. Moving to a cloud-based set of tools and being able to access information from any device at any time means that everyone from the head office, to store employees, to call center staff and vendors will be able to connect more easily. This will ultimately improve our customer service, as well.
By finding new ways to collaborate, we’ll not only be able to improve our customers service, but it will also help us focus on innovation. Managing projects is a large part of everyone’s work life at Globe, and now our teams will be able to coordinate their projects more efficiently with Google Calendar and Google Sites. When we ran a test with Google Apps it took just a few hours for 50 of our non-technical staff to set up team sites, add their calendars, agendas and profiles and start working together on campaigns collaboratively. This is much faster than any system we’ve used before and will open up lots of avenues to be more innovative.
A big part of our culture is having face-to-face meetings, so Google+ Hangouts will be a great way for us to connect face-to-face with our colleagues around the country instead of flying or driving everywhere. Using consumer tools like Gmail and Google Docs have other benefits too — staff are familiar with these tools from their personal lives and when given choice, 73% of our employees voted to use Google Apps.
As a company focused on driving innovation and collaboration to give our customers a great experience, we’re looking forward to undertaking this journey with Google Apps.