Digicel has launched the DL700, an upgrade to the DL600 on Friday December 6th 2013 - The Alcatel One Touch Pop C3 is Digicel’s latest Unicorn that may be harder to catch

Look like I’ve been living under a rock for quite awhile! Folks introducing the Digicel DL700 aka Alcatel One Touch Pop C3 that’s coming thi...

Look like I’ve been living under a rock for quite awhile! Folks
introducing the Digicel DL700 aka Alcatel
One Touch Pop C3 that’s coming this Christmas as an optional Stocking

Just yesterday Friday December 11th 2013, Digicel Jamaica launched an update to
the very popular Digicel DL600
smartphone which is now free now that the Dragons of House Targaryan,
Blackberry are dead

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