Explore 10 Best Blog Footer Designs With Examples

Guest Post - Our host is David Meyer , David is looking at the oft-times forgotten footer section of blogs with examples of how you can uti...

Guest Post - Our host is David Meyer, David is looking at the oft-times forgotten footer section of blogs with examples of how you can utilize your blogs footer.See How To Become a guest author on Spice Up Your Blog.

The footer is widgetized area of website that provides you several plug-ins to download according to your choice. Ask yourself - whether you want to make the footer eye-catching to attract the visitors. Although many blogs use main menu to serve a navigation, you can use other navigation methods like footer, text, etc. You can add links and plug-ins in the bottom of the page for navigation. It is just a reflection of header. There is no hard and fast rule with footer height, but generally use the color and layout, which is the same as in header. It is a great option to display on the site-map that is not possible to view in your main menu. It is a last port to target number of audiences.
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