Oh Christmas Tree: A Cute & Crooked One.

With the bathroom renovation going on, things are a little chaotic around here to say the least. Up until last weekend, we had a bathtub and...

With the bathroom renovation going on, things are a little chaotic around here to say the least. Up until last weekend, we had a bathtub and a toilet in the living room. Undeterred, I shoved them into the corner, desperate to make room for a Christmas tree. I went out the tree lot with my family on a Saturday morning in search of a little Charlie Brown tree. I was so indecisive that I could have walked around for hours but ended up choosing one that is just a little bit Charlie Brown, in its own way.

The trunk is skinny and crooked, it's a bit of a shorty and there are a couple of good bare spots but it's otherwise perfect. Unbeknownst to my dad and I, my little tree fell out the the trailer on the way home from the lot. We flew in to a bit of a panic upon realizing but then found it, lying all alone in the middle of the road not too far away. We had a good giggle over that one. My poor tree.

Then, it came home and sat on the front porch for a few days. Once we got it inside, I strung some lights and there it sat. Eventually I got around to adding some garland and some decorations. So different from other years when I'd have it up and decorated in one evening, without blinking an eye. This year is just a little different that others.. we are a bit busy and distracted by that little thing we call: living without a bathroom!

I only used a third of my decorations since it is so much smaller than other years. Most of the filler balls were kept pack away and I used only my favorite ones. The ones given to me by family, friends and students and the ones that are just too pretty to keep packed away.

I also made a little pompom garland. I strung two different sizes of white pompoms on some white string. It literally took all of an hour while watching Homeland one night. I think it adds a touch of whimsy to the tree.

I used a lot of regular mini lights on the tree but I also added two strands of these globe string lights from Target. It's definitely a different look.. a little old school. It's fun to mix it up a bit!

To me, there is nothing better than a Christmas tree. I turn on the lights first thing in the morning and enjoy the glow with my morning coffee. Then, in the evening, it offers me a sense of calm amid the disaster that is currently our home. Perhaps dramatic but realistically, my pretty home accessories have been replaced with hack saw, drills, bits, screws and utility knives. I've accepted it, and I'm dealing but that doesn't mean I can't wait for it to get back to normal!

The Christmas tree has been my little source of peace and joy this holiday season. It might not be the prettiest or the biggest tree we've ever had.. but to me, it's perfect!

I may never take it down.

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