Free Wi-Fi Internet as a Promotional Tool - Broadband Hopping the next weapon from Digicel and LIME

On Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 at 3:37 PM, I'd received this email from Telecom Provider Digicel offering me three (3) days free Broadband i...

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 at 3:37 PM, I'd received this email from
Telecom Provider Digicel offering
me three (3) days free Broadband in exchange for topping up my Modem with
JA$100. Naturally, as I do have a Digicel
Greenpacket Ex-250 modem which I brought back in February 2013 and with which I
did the Geezam article entitled “How
to setup and troubleshoot your Digicel 4G Broadband Modem”, I

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