Issue of medicines to CGHS beneficiaries at the time of discharge from empanelled private hospitals.

No. S 11011/09/2014 - CGHS (HEC) / CGHS(P) Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health and Family Welfa...

No. S 11011/09/2014 - CGHS (HEC) / CGHS(P)

Government of India

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Department of Health and Family Welfare

CGHS (Policy) Division

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated: the 20th June, 2014


Sub:- Issue of medicines to CGHS beneficiaries at the time of discharge from empanelled private hospitals - regarding;

With reference to the above mentioned subject, the undersigned is directed to state that this Ministry has been receiving representations regarding difficulties being faced by CGHS beneficiaries in getting medicines immediately after discharge from empanelled private hospitals.

2. The matter has been examined in the Ministry and with a view to alleviate the inconvenience to CGHS beneficiaries in getting medicines immediately after discharge from empanelled private hospitals, it has been decided that CGHS beneficiaries who had taken inpatient medical treatment from a CGHS empanelled private hospital will be issued medicines from the treating private hospital at the time of discharge, for a period upto seven (7) days. The hospital will raise bill for the medicines separately and submit it alongwith the hospital bill for inpatient treatment, to CGHS for reimbursement in case of pensioner beneficiaries who are entitled to avail cashless medical treatment at the hospital.

3. in case of serving CGHS beneficiaries, if the treatment is provided by the hospital on credit basis (in deserving cases), they may raise bills for medicines supplied to the patient for post hospitalization period (upto 7 days after discharge), and claim reimbursement from the department / office concerned alongwith the hospital bill for inpatient treatment. In other cases, where the inpatient treatment is provided to serving CGHS beneficiaries on payment basis, the empanelled private hospital will supply medicines for upto 7 days period on payment basis, for which employee can claim reimbursement from his/her office. However, it will be upto the serving CGHS beneficiary to purchase the prescribed medicines from the hospital at the time of discharge (for upto 7 days) or get it from a CGHS dispensary, as may be convenient to him.

4. The above facility will however, be subject to the following conditions:

(i) Only essential medicines in generic form for continuity of treatment will be issued by the hospital.

(ii) No Nutritional supplements, tonic, cough syrup, vitamins, injections will be issued by the hospital. These are not allowed.

(iii) No non-drug items / equipments / appliances will be issued.

(iv) Total cost of such medicines issued by the hospital must not exceed Rs. 2000/- in any case.

5. This Office Memorandum shall come into force from the date of issue.

6. This issues with the concurrence of IFD vide FTS no. 88285 dt. 13/6/2014





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