Core and other cycling specific workouts

good article on strength training for mtb. Some nice selection of specific exercises: ---------------------- Ultimate sandbag routine for...

good article on strength training for mtb. Some nice selection of specific exercises:
Ultimate sandbag routine for Hip Hinge


A circuit using the sand bag. I'm getting ready to order the Power package which looks to be their medium size. They are sized as core, power, strength, and burly. With the power it looks like you can put two filler bags and get up to 40 lbs in it which will be plenty for me to learn on.

I'm a big fan of the sandbag. Adding in a rotational component to exercises makes it an awesome tool for athletes needing greater stability in all planes of motion.
The cool thing about the sandbag is that it offers so many different options for holding it. While the barbell offers very little in the way of changing grips, with the sandbag we can shoulder it, hug it, crossbody hug it, and Zercher hold it. The possibilities are many, and each different grip or hold offers a different set of challenges.
Here's an example:
Order Exercise Reps
A Split Clean 5*
B Rotational Lunge 4*
C Push Press 8
D Zercher Good Morning 8
E Shouldered Get-Up 2*
In the video below my athlete is using an 80-pound bag and he's getting crushed by the end.


Sandbag combo drill

sandbag for hip hinge progression

a dumbell exercise.  I do something similar with a barbell braced against a corner, where I squat, stand up and then drive the bar up.


A random compendium of exercises with cycling specific development in mind.

working 3 planes

stagger stance kettle bell push press

12minute routine for lower back/posture from the Foundation book:

wrist work with kettlebell

Lance's strength training:

AntiRotational with a band. I use resistance tubing

4 more core exercises one with sandbag
lateral sand bag pull
renegade row

pinkbike video on single leg squats progression (not pistol squat) twists on Ball

 The founder:

Sandbag rotational lunge:

Kettlebells for wrist-

Lance's foundation program - core - posterior chain:

Rotational Deadlifts (ideally with sandbag)

Core workout from Bicycling - do in order:,3


3: 4: 6:
 5: This looks really interesting for training hip rotations:

another one. I did these one day at a demo at the gym, it really targeted the same hip muscles needed for cornering

I want one of these 

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