This one hurt

I got punished today for saying that yesterday's intervals didn't hurt. Today it was 3x8min with 4 min off. I did them at the same ...

I got punished today for saying that yesterday's intervals didn't hurt. Today it was 3x8min with 4 min off. I did them at the same power setting as yesterday.

Warming up on the trainer, I was feeling really sluggish, and tired. I played outside in the snow with the kids yesterday, and just walking in the snow I could feel my legs. I was a little worried about today's workout.

I love the 3 reps. 3 is a magic number. Because as soon as you finish the first one, you are on to the second and your in the middle of the workout. Then when you finish that one, you only have ONE more left. And you can almost always do ONE more.

OOF! This hurt. Legs were burning, cadence settled to low 90s and then during the last on into the 80s. I could sort of feel that tingling sensation that is a precursor to cramping. My HR wasn't that high. I am definitely beat. Oh well, at least one day riding the wave, before the cummulative fatigue hit.

Now tomorrow is really really going to hurt. Prescribed are some SMSP intervals with 1on and :45 off. So after a couple the rest will be lagging and I'll be entering that red zone where things start to get sketchy.

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