OF WHAT FAITH ARE YOU? I took the belief-o-matic quiz and the result looks like: 1. Liberal Quakers (100%) 2. Islam (99%) 3. Orthodox J...


I took the belief-o-matic quiz and the result looks like:

1. Liberal Quakers (100%)
2. Islam (99%)
3. Orthodox Judaism (99%)
4. Jainism (97%)
5. Bah'ai Faith (95%)
6. Orthodox Quaker (95%)
7. Sikhism (95%)
8. Reform Judaism (93%)
9. Unitarian Universalism (90%)
10. Mahayana Buddhism (75%)
11. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (74%)
12. Neo-Pagan (71%)
13. Theravada Buddhism (71%)
14. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (70%)
15. Secular Humanism (69%)
16. Hinduism (64%)
17. Seventh Day Adventist (62%)
18. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (62%)
19. New Age (57%)
20. Taoism (55%)
21. Jehovah's Witness (54%)
22. Eastern Orthodox (54%)
23. Roman Catholic (54%)
24. Nontheist (47%)
25. Scientology (40%)
26. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (30%)
27. New Thought (30%)

I didn't know about quakerism before and din't know that Islamism and Judaism are that similar. Nonetheless the test was fun. According to Belief-o-matic even a score of 100% does not mean that my views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa. Bengali Fob rates it:
It's quite an interesting quiz and one that shows that no matter what your religious affiliation may be, we are all trying to find answers to the same questions.

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