Emergency workers are worried about hybrid safety
Emergency workers were worried about any damage the hybrid car could do to them as they tried to rescue the victim in a recent car crash inv...

Emergency workers were worried about any damage the hybrid car could do to them as they tried to rescue the victim in a recent car crash involving a Prius.
TownOnline.com - Local News: Extra care taken after ’hybrid’ crash
The victim said her brakes failed so she ended up crossing through a resident's backyard, eventually coming to rest on its side. The women was unhurt, but firefighters had to break the glass to get her out. The driver was cited for failure to stop or yield.
TownOnline.com - Local News: Extra care taken after ’hybrid’ crash
In freeing her from the car, Porter reported the car itself posed the most difficulty.
"These new hybrid cars can make our rescue process after a car wreck slightly more dangerous," Porter said. "Not only do we need to worry about disconnecting the battery, but now we need to worry about the possibility of being electrocuted by [the cars’] additional high-powered electrical system."
The victim said her brakes failed so she ended up crossing through a resident's backyard, eventually coming to rest on its side. The women was unhurt, but firefighters had to break the glass to get her out. The driver was cited for failure to stop or yield.