Texas may offer rebate on hybrid cars

People who buy a hybrid car in Texas may soon be getting a 10 percent rebate on their sales tax. House Bill 1335 was presented by Rep. Dway...

People who buy a hybrid car in Texas may soon be getting a 10 percent rebate on their sales tax. House Bill 1335 was presented by Rep. Dwayne Bohac R-Houston and Rep. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas.

The rebate is being tied to emissions ratings, so that any vehicle that emits less than 0.45 pounds of carbon dioxide per mile, or averages 44 mpg, would qualify for the full 10 percent rebate. A 7 percent rebate would be available to anyone who buys a vehicle that emits less than 0.45 but no more than 0.55 lbs CO2 per mile or averages 36 to 43 mpg. These strict guidelines mean very few hybrids would qualify; Honda Civic Hybrid, Toyota Prius and the Honda Insight.

"Incentivizing people in their pocketbooks is the best way to get their attention," Anchia said. (BTW, is incentivizing a word?)

Money for the rebates would come from the Texas Emission Reduction Plan, known as TERP. The federal government offers a tax credit, while Connecticut, Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Oregon also offer some relief to those who spend the extra money to buy a hybrid car.

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