Comments on CAFE Required

The NHTSA created a stir with its proposal on new standards by 2015 on mpg for automakers. Now everyone else gets a chance to have their sa...

Add Your CommentThe NHTSA created a stir with its proposal on new standards by 2015 on mpg for automakers. Now everyone else gets a chance to have their say.

The NHTSA is accepting comments until July 1 through the website This will be the last chance for interested parties to get the last word in before the final rules are written.

The new CAFE rules are quite fascinating, in that each car maker will end up trying to pass a different hurdle. The fuel economy requirements are based on the size of the car (footprint), which means you may start seeing cars with larger footprints.

Also, the wording on the states fighting for fuel economy rules of their own, especially California, may draw quite a few comments from interested parties and individuals.

Source: Clock runs on CAFE comments - Automotive News
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