Morning ride

The moving is done. Now begins the putting away. But, in the meantime, I can ride to work again. The garage is crammed full of stuff but ...

The moving is done. Now begins the putting away. But, in the meantime, I can ride to work again. The garage is crammed full of stuff but hubby has left enough space for me to get my moto out of the garage. He's such a sweetie!! So, I rode this morning and it was such a nice relaxing change of pace. Filling up my car has been so sad lately. It'll be nice to not have to do that for the rest of the summer.

No trips or anything planned at the moment. My goal to ride over a mountain pass is still on the table. We'll see where we end up. I'm thinking Trail Ridge Road would be just fine for me. But, we'll see. Maybe we'll head south instead. There are many possibilities. :-)

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