Cribs 'blogger style'

Do you watch the show MTV cribs? I just checked online and was surprised to see that it is still airing, going 15 seasons strong-- wow. One ...

Do you watch the show MTV cribs? I just checked online and was surprised to see that it is still airing, going 15 seasons strong-- wow. One of my favorite parts about the show is when they do kitchen raids and look inside the pantries and refrigerators of those famous and sometimes not so famous people.

What is it that fascinates me about people's homes? Perhaps I enjoy the beauty of the inside. Maybe it is because I have become a little OCD when it comes to wanting my own home to be super orderly. Or perhaps it is the thought that absolutely everyone has to nourish themselves in some way--- and I wonder, how do they do it?

Whatever the reasons, I am intrigued, so I decided it would be fun to raid some of my favorite bloggers homes to see what is going on in their kitchens. Thanks for all who participated.

from {Stephmodo}
"Since I plan our family's meals each week, it's important I see exactly what I have to work with ingredient-wise. Hence, the clear containers, which in this case house all sorts of grains, pastas, lentils, etc. Also in the pantry are extra bottles of Pellegrino because not only do they look pretty all stacked up (I'm being honest here!) but they come in handy when entertaining and make guests feel extra special. I try to keep my fridge stocked with healthy foods so when the kiddos say, 'I'm hungry', they have nutritious options. This way I don't feel bad when I treat them to the occasional, indulgent cupcake :) "

Brittnye from {Brown Turtleneck Sweater}:
"This is the spice drawer at my house - and it's definitely one of our favorite spots! So many possibilities! My husband and I are both avid cooks (I went to culinary school a few years ago) and we love to spend time together in the kitchen. I can't take any credit for the drawer's organization though - it's his handy work!"

Chelsea from {Frolic}:
"1. Pantry- I don't eat at home very often, and when I do it's usually something quick and easy from Trader Joe's. Nevertheless, I must have these staples. Freshly Ground salt and pepper & Olive oil. These make everything taste better- even boxed mac and cheese. Dorset Cereal. I eat this with Yogurt for breakfast- usually eaten at work. Tazo Passion Tea or Chai Tea- my two favorites I always have to have them on hand at work and at home. 2. I've started going to the Farmer's market now that it's open. I like to buy everything organic and in season. Right now it's radishes (yummy with salt and pepper and butter) and spinach. 3. A trip to the farmer's market or grocery always has to include fresh flowers and it's best if they are wrapped in newspaper:)"

Stephanie from {NieNie Dialogues}:
"Here is a pic of what is in my fridge "Nie" style. Also not shown (because hidden or eaten) that is ALWAYS in my fridge, cupboards:-whole wheat pretzels -greek yogurt -honey -kashia heart to heart cereal (the BEST) -dry beans: black, pinto, white -assorted lentils -oatmeal, steal cut oats -wild alaskan salmon -frozen berries -avocados, bananas, -homemade whole wheat bread -dark chocolate covered edemame *we also have a water distiller installed in our home. I believe it is the best water around!"

Erin from {Design for Mankind} :
"I have a list of things I'd like to master before I turn 30 [God-willing!]. And number four on that list is to learn to cook a decent dish, both for my husband's sake and my own. Obviously, I'm still tackling on the top three, because this is a photograph of my refrigerator as of this afternoon--- leftovers from approximately six different take-out shoppes. My poor, poor family. The good news is I'll be a fantastic guitar-player one day if I ever make it to number four on my list, and who needs food when you're a rockstar?"

from {A Cup of Jo}:
"i not a great cook, so our fridge is pretty spare. for lunch, i usually eat cheese, crackers and apples; and for dinner, we often make burritos or pesto pasta. (we pretty much have a two recipe rotation:) my huge weaknesses are sour cream (i could eat it by thepint--my mom knew a French man who used to do that; he said it tasted like creamy European yogurt) and white wine (i desperately need a glass every evening). when i buy wine, i'm a sucker for labels; i figure it must be good if it has such a pretty label! my boyfriend prefers beer, which you can see here.."

Jen from {my polaroid blog / becoming a foodie} :
"Here is a shot of my pantry - - or I should say one of my pantries. We live in a 1922 bungalow, and I guess it used to have one of those ironing boards in the wall (which, by the way, would come in quite handy). Somewhere along the line, someone took it out and made this pantry. I find it very useful. The vegemite is for my husband. He's Australian and loves to have it on toast. I find it absolutely revolting. What I can't live without . . . Nutella, Maldon salt and the rainbow sprinkles to put atop my cupcakes."

Joslyn from {Simple Lovely}:
"Some items i can't live's my top 5: 1. Eggs -- Literally the one food item that my entire family eats with equal love and abandon. Scrambled, tucked between two pieces of bread, on pasta, as an name it. We love eggs. (can you hear the song in your head?) 2. Yogart -- The girlies adore it...I'm addicted to it...hubby not so into it. Usually it's yo baby for audrey and millie and i'm pretty hooked on the greek yummy, but so expensive...ugg 3. Dark Chocolate -- every day. without fail 4. Super strong coffee -- virtually undrinkable by the average person, but the only thing that is getting me through this phase of maximum activity/minimum sleep 5. Our weekly produce co-op -- every week is a surprise, and i hate to see anything just rot in the fridge, so we're not only eating more fruits and veggies...but more interesting fruits and veggies."

from {This is Glamorous}
"I was quite excited when I first heard of this project because I loved the concept of peeking into other bloggers' refrigerators and pantries. However, panic ensued, as things have been amazingly hectic in the past few months, and my boyfriend and I have been having dinner in restaurants or ordering in nearly every night for the past few weeks, resulting in a nearly empty refrigerator, with the exception of water and chocolate . . . which also happen to be the two things I "can't live without in terms of edible or tasty delights" . . .
{pictured: Christian Lacroix for Evian water, Amedei chocolate imported from Tuscany}"

Marta from {Marta Writes}:
"Here are my food favorites: a drawer full of what we call 'grab & go's' for lunches, fruit, string cheese, raisins, yoplait thick & creamy light yogurts, dan's grandma's homemade strawberry jam, great harvest honey whole wheat bread, and for a late night snack - Dreyer's thin mint girl scout ice cream for the freezer. We eat pretty simple. I can't wait til I can be a homemaker and have more time to cook gourmet recipes from scratch. But for right now, my favorite quick meal to whip up (when we have nothing in the pantry) is linguine or bowtie pasta tossed steaming hot, add a dash of olive oil, garlic salt, fresh ground pepper and italian spices; keep tasting until it seems perfect. then top with sliced roma tomatoes. simple and delicious. Add rolls and a salad if you have the supplies!"

from {A Little Sussy}
"In the Refrigerator: plain yogurt and greek yogurt. (i eat greek yogurt with honey) (bag of carrot garbage after juicing... giving to our horses.) babybel cheese, artichoke and celery, plate of cookies In the Freezer: chicken breasts, lots of butter (salted and unsalted), yeast, corn, frozen homemade waffles, shrimp, fruit (for smoothies) In the Pantry: Huge plastic wrap, my knife kit (the black thing), milk glass collection, dog bones and treats, basket of onions/garlic, baking goods, random appliances i never use."

Martha B from {NIBS}:
Then: By the 1900's a hoosier cabinet was a prominent fixture in American kitchens. Designed and made by the Hoosier Co. in Indiana, these free standing kitchen cabinets were an answer to the lack of storage space. They had built-in bins for flour and sugar, shelves and racks for boxes and canned goods. Some even had a grinder attached for meat. An enamel tray could slide out for a work space. And best of all when it wasn't being used a tambour door concealed everything from sight.

Now: I found our 1930's hoosier in upstate New York. It fits perfectly in our kitchen. What's inside you ask?

For fun, I filled it with our current favorite breakfast meal- Country Choice Old-Fashioned Oats from Trader Joe's! Now for how we really live. The hoosier is full of cereal, canned soups, Crazy Richard's Peanut Butter, and jars of tomato sauce. In the drawers are paper napkins, pens, pencils and stuff for our dog Jasper. On the bottom shelf is our coffee maker and paper towel supply. (Pictures from: Hoosier Manufacturing Co., Martha B.)

*What's in your kitchen? If you are interested in becoming part of the next "Inside the Kitchen" series email me at {blackeiffel@gmail} with a photo of your pantry / refrigerator space and what nourishes you.

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