mother's day...

i can't believe i am now a member of the ladies who celebrate "mother's day"...sometimes i think, gosh i'm a

i can't believe i am now a member of the ladies who celebrate "mother's day"...sometimes i think, gosh i'm a mom....that sounds so old and i am not old!! well, i actually kind of am (going to be 29 in three wks). but you know what, i wouldn't change it for the world. being a mother is a wonderful thing. it might make you crazy at times (i have to go into her room several times before going to sleep to make sure she is breathing) but no one can prepare you for all the happiness you will experience from this little 20 lb (okay she eats a lot...she might weigh more) bundle of joy. so if any of you are in the same club, i hope you have a wonderful day. i have a wonderful mother and mother-in-law to look up too and i couldn't ask for better grandmothers for tay! love y'all!!

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