Oil Prices Hit All Time High... Again

Can gas prices get any worse? Oil passes $120, gas prices slip more than a cent - Yahoo! News Light, sweet crude for June delivery rose to a...

Gas Station PricesCan gas prices get any worse?

Oil passes $120, gas prices slip more than a cent - Yahoo! News
Light, sweet crude for June delivery rose to a new trading record of $120.21 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange Monday before retreating slightly to trade up $3.52 at $119.84.
According to the news story, we may be seeing the high point right now.

But, if this is the high point, is it high enough to push even more into a hybrid car? Like the observer, are we all going to see the economic value of moving to more fuel efficient cars?

In case you're wondering about the monthly hybrid car sales report, Honda has not reported on their sales yet due to a technical glitch. I'm trying to wait until they have updated.

Photo from flickr by ewen and donabel.

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