Birthday & snow

Yesterday was the big 4-0 for me! I took the day off and considered riding but decided instead to shop. Gotta have the car when you are birt...

Yesterday was the big 4-0 for me! I took the day off and considered riding but decided instead to shop. Gotta have the car when you are birthday shopping!

This morning we got our first bit of snow in the metro area. It was still falling when I arrived at work. Should be back in the 70s by Sunday, or so I hear them say. We shall see.

I'm looking at getting a new helmet. I've been wearing the HJC helmets because they are the only ones that seem to fit. The Scorpion, which hubby wears, is too tight (for a small) and too big (for the medium). The Shoei , which my brother wears, fits too weirdly. The Arai, that comes in different shapes, pinches my ears. But, I tried on an Icon, and it seemed juuust right. But, now that the season is about over, I think I'll wait to buy it later on. Or try to find a closeout model around Christmas or something. Hubby is sad about my helmet situation I think because he bought me the HJC modular that I asked for last Christmas. The problem with the helmets I own is that the pads stretch out and make the helmet too big after I wear them for about a year. And I'm already wearing an XS and can't get them any smaller. Icon's XS seems to fit just fine but they also make an XXS. I never thought my head was so tiny but I guess it is. Oh well, it is properly proportioned to the rest of my body. :-) Well, we'll see how long those proportions last now that I am 40!


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