Update: 2008-02-27 Edition

0. Introduction 1. Open Position in SourceForge Engineering 2. Statistics and Top Projects This mailing has been brought to you by: Adobe(R)...

0. Introduction
1. Open Position in SourceForge Engineering
2. Statistics and Top Projects

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Hi! It's me again, bringing you another monthly batch of news from Thanks for reading.

Driven by unmistakably clear user demand, we have added support for Git, a
distributed source control system. We feel that Git, accompanied by our
existing CVS and Subversion support, puts us on the path toward a
well-rounded source code management toolset - even if we don't support
every major system (yet.)

We've been talking about our new Hosted Apps offering for a couple of
months now, and it occurs to me that we haven't really told you why we
built it! Simply put, it's because it makes no sense for us to create and
maintain our own developer tools when there are plenty of good open source
ones that already exist. Hosted Apps is how we give you instant,
virtualized access to the best open source development and community
management tools that exist today.

Since our last update, we've launched support for two additional
applications: Codestriker and AN Guestbook. These two new apps, along with
twelve others, are available for immediate use by any project or developer
that needs them - all you need to do is flip the switch. For more
information, see:

You may have also noticed that CVS and Subversion commits are now showing
up alongside other project activity in the Recent Activity box on each
project's summary page, as well as on the committing developer's profile
page. We hope this will allow all you project admins and code voyeurs out
there to get a more complete picture of what everyone's working on.

Those of you who use Piwik, one of our Hosted Apps, know that this web
analytics suite is very useful for gathering information about visitors to
your project's web site. This month, we launched a feature that will allow
you to use Piwik to track activity on your project pages,
too! If you're interested, read more about how to enable this new feature
by navigating to your project's Admin menu and clicking on the Statistics

Finally, to help everyone download the cool stuff you're all building,
we've added new mirrors in Taiwan, Montreal, and Tampa, bringing our grand
total to more than 20.

Have a fantastic month of March!

Ross Turk
Director of Community, SourceForge

== Open Position in SourceForge Engineering ==

Our engineering team wants to make SourceForge the best place for open
source developers to work and collaborate, and they need your help!

Are you a seasoned software engineer with a passion for your craft? Do you
have a passion for open source and want to help make a difference? Or
maybe you're a current SourceForge user with some ideas about how we could
be better?

If so, see for more information.

== Statistics and Top Projects ==

Daily Stats for 25-Feb-2009:

6,679,510 pages served
14,395,770 project web site pages served
3,091,053 files downloaded (33.1 TB)
118 new projects approved

Top 25 Projects on 26-Feb-2009:

1. ZK - Simply Ajax and Mobile
ZK is Ajax Java framework without JavaScript. With direct RIA, 200+ Ajax
components and markup languages, developing Ajax/RIA as simple as deskop
apps and HTML/XUL pages. Support JSF/JSP/JavaEE/Hibernate/.., and Ajax
script in Java/Ruby/Groovy/Python/..

2. ADempiere ERP Business Suite
ADempiere Business Suite ERP/CRM/MFG/SCM/POS done the Bazaar way in an open
and unabated fashion. Focus is on the Community that includes Subject
Matter Specialists, Implementors and End-Users. We are a community fork of

3. Zenoss Core - Enterprise IT Monitoring
Zenoss Core is an enterprise network and systems management application
written in Python/Zope. Zenoss provides an integrated product for
monitoring availability, performance, events and configuration across
layers and across platforms.

4. phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration
of MySQL over the Web. Currently it can create and drop databases,
create/drop/alter tables, delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL
statement, manage keys on fields.

5. Notepad++
Notepad++ is a generic source code editor (it tries to be anyway) and
Notepad replacement written in c++ with win32 API. The aim of Notepad++ is
to offer a slim and efficient binary with a totally customizable GUI.

6. Hyperic HQ Enterprise Monitoring
Enterprise monitoring & systems management application. Auto-discovers 75+
techs. Collects availability, performance, utilization, & throughput
metrics. Easily correlate problems with events. Monitor Amazon AMI, Google
AppEngine, & integrates w/Splunk.

7. OrangeHRM - Human Resource Management
OrangeHRM is an Open Source Human Resource Management System that covers
Personnel Information Management, Employee Self Service, Leave, Time &
Attendance, Benefits, and Recruitment. Tags: HRM, HRMS, HCM, HRIS, EHRMS,
Human Capital Management

8. MindTouch Deki (wiki): Collaboration
MindTouch Deki is an enterprise collaboration, wiki and mashup platform.
Easily connect people, enterprise systems, web services, and Web 2.0
applications for business automation and superlative wiki collaboration.

9. PostBooks ERP, accounting, CRM by xTuple
Free open source ERP, accounting, CRM package for small to midsized
businesses. ERP client runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows (built with open
source Qt framework). Business logic resides in PostgreSQL database.
International ERP, accounting, and CRM tools.

10. ScummVM
ScummVM is a cross-platform interpreter for several point-and-click
adventure engines. This includes all SCUMM-based adventures by LucasArts,
Simon the Sorcerer 1&2 by AdventureSoft, Beneath a Steel Sky and Broken
Sword 1&2 by Revolution, and many more.

11. Tcl
Tool Command Language (Tcl) is an interpreted language and very portable
interpreter for that language. Tcl is embeddable and extensible, and has
been widely used since its creation in 1988 by John Ousterhout. See for more info.

12. Audacity
A fast multi-track audio editor and recorder for Linux, BSD, Mac OS, and
Windows.Supports WAV, AIFF, Ogg, and MP3 formats.Features include envelope
editing, mixing, built-in effects and plug-ins, all with unlimited undo.

13. FreeCol
FreeCol is an open version of Colonization. It is a Civilization-like game
in which the player has to conquer the new world.

14. Stellarium
Stellarium renders 3D photo-realistic skies in real time with OpenGL. It
displays stars, constellations, planets, nebulas and others things like
ground, landscape, atmosphere, etc.

15. MediaInfo
Get technical information and tags of a lot of multimedia files. Supported
formats : - Video : AVI/OGM/MKV/MPG/VOB/MP4/3GP/... - Audio :

16. Arianne RPG
Arianne is a multiplayer online engine to develop turn based and real time
games providing a simple way of creating the game server rules and clients
like Stendhal. Marauroa, our server, uses Java and MySQL for hosting dozens
of players on a solo host.

17. WinDjView
WinDjView is a fast, compact and powerful DjVu viewer for Windows with
tabbed interface, continuous scrolling and advanced printing options, based
on free DjVuLibre library. MacDjView is a simple DjVu viewer for Mac OS X,
also with continuous scrolling.

18. webERP web-based ERP Accounting
Integrated accounting ERP system. Multi-language/currency/inventory
locations. Full double entry. SO/AR/PO/AP/GL/Bank/Sales Analysis.
BOMs/assemblies/kit-sets. Flexible pricing. Emailable pdf reports. Fast PHP
created html for any browser.

19. 7-Zip
is a file archiver with the high compression ratio. The program
supports 7z, ZIP, CAB, RAR, ARJ, LZH, CHM, GZIP, BZIP2, Z, TAR, CPIO, ISO,
MSI, WIM, NSIS, RPM and DEB formats.

20. KeePass Password Safe
KeePass Password Safe is a free, open source, light-weight and easy-to-use
password manager for Windows. You can store your passwords in a
highly-encrypted database, which is locked with one master password or key

21. OpenXava
Framework to develop AJAX JavaEE/J2EE applications rapidly and easily.
Allows to define applications just with POJOs, JPA and Java 5 annotations.
Feature rich and flexible. Generates JSR-168 portlet applications (Liferay,
WebSphere Portal, Jetspeed, etc)

22. Privoxy
Privoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting
privacy, filtering web page data, managing cookies, controlling access, and
removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious junk.

23. Azureus
Azureus: Vuze is a powerful, full-featured, cross-platform bittorrent
client and open content platform.

24. Mumble
, high-quality voice communication for gamers. Includes game
linking, so voice from other players comes from the direction of their
characters, and has echo cancellation so the sound from your loudspeakers
won't be audible to other players.

25. ffdshow tryouts
ffdshow is a DirectShow filter and VFW codec for many audio and video
formats, such as DivX, Xvid and H.264. Over 70 bugs have been fixed, codecs
have been updated, and support for a few new formats has been added in the
tryouts. Vista is now supported.

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