Houzz - Outrageous Orange

Here I am talking about orange again... it must be the season. I love that the leaves are changing color and that the air smells so crisp. T...

Here I am talking about orange again... it must be the season. I love that the leaves are changing color and that the air smells so crisp. Today, we went to an the Green Gables alpaca farm.. they are pretty adorable! See here:

okay.. this one may actually be a llama but still very cute.
Look at the teeth! They only have them on the bottom!
We also visited a friend of Steph's who lives on a farm. Complete with cattle, a donkey, chickens and baby kitty cats. The weather was sunny and a little cool. My favorite kind of autumn day!

Tomorrow, I am heading out on a field trip with my grade 2 class to an apple orchard. Every year, the trip makes me want to run out and buy pumpkins and gourds, bake apple pies and bring the season's warm palette into my home.
This week, Janell Beals, one of my favorite bloggers, has a great article over at Houzz about the color orange. The photos she collected confirm my belief that using orange when decorating a room can be both dramatic and modern or warm and traditional. Plus, it's fun!

all images via hoozz

You can read her article here or check out her amazing blog here. She is the DIY queen!

Hope you are all enjoying these fall days!

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