LIME's 4G Experience Centers & Digicel's JA$8.99 One Rate Plan - Telecom Providers fear Municipal Wi-Fi SkyFall from Broadcasters DSO

 It would appear that the Big Telecoms Providers in Jamaica have finally, as we say in Jamaica Patios, “ketch dem Fraid” of  Municipal Wi-Fi...

 It would appear that the Big Telecoms Providers in Jamaica have finally, as we say in Jamaica Patios, “ketch dem Fraid” of  Municipal Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11n) Providers Dekal Wireless and Nubian-1 Tech Services, both of which are owned by the Lee’s Family and Wayne Chen of Super Plus Fame,

This as Today, Telecoms Provider LIME has announce that they are going HSDPA+ (High Speed Downlink Packet

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