Windshield Repair Secrets

In some instances, glass repair is a cost effective alternative to replacing a damaged windshield. Windshield repair can be done by a profes...

Windshield Repair Secrets

In some instances, glass repair is a cost effective alternative to replacing a damaged windshield. Windshield repair can be done by a professional or accomplished by an amateur using a do-it-yourself kit. However, in order for the repair to be completed properly, there are a a few often-overlooked facts that should be accounted for by the person in performing the work.


    The crack must be thoroughly cleaned using compressed air. Loose glass chips and debris should be removed before the windshield is mended, as they may become unsightly blemishes if left behind during the repair process.

Glass Composition

    One of the biggest misconceptions is that the windshield is made entirely of glass. A layer of polyvinyl butyral is actually present in the middle of the windshield. This ensures that in the event of shattered glass that the pieces will stick to the material instead of being thrown astray. When the windshield is repaired, the polyvinyl butyral may need to be fixed in addition to the glass. The resin used to fix windshields is designed to also mend the polyvinyl butyral layer.

Nature of the Chip or Crack

    Another little-known fact is that not all cracks and chips can be repaired. Blemishes that fall within the driver's filed of vision may not be repairable, as the distortions or irregularities may be evident after repair. Cracks smaller than 30 inches can often be repaired, but those beyond that are often not repairable.

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