Extension of validity of empanelment of All Health Care Organizations empanelled under CGHS.

 No.S.11045/36/2012/CGHS(HEC) Government of India Directorate General Of Central Govt. Health Scheme Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan, New D...


Government of India

Directorate General Of Central Govt. Health Scheme

Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan,

New Delhi 110108, dated the 31st March, 2014


Subject: Regarding extension of validity of empanelment of All Health Care Organizations empanelled under CGHS.

Attention is drawn to the Office Memorandum issued earlier extending validity of empanelment of all health care organizations under CGHS till 31st March, 2014.

2. It has now been decided to extend the validity of empanelment of all Health Care Organizations under CGHS for further period of three months or till finalization of next empanelment of health care organizations under CGHS whichever is earlier on same terms and conditions as defined in OM on which they were empanelled earlier.


(Dr.Sharda Verma)

Director CGHS(HQ)


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