Our extra long shower curtain.

Our bathroom is just about finished. There are a few little jobs that need to get finished but it's definitely almost there. Steph insta...

Our bathroom is just about finished. There are a few little jobs that need to get finished but it's definitely almost there. Steph installed the door trim and baseboards last week so we need to get them painted. The door needs some work, as it doesn't close properly, and got pretty banged up during the renovation process. I still haven't chosen a ceiling fixture or a permanent curtain rod but those things will come in time. The important thing is that it's functional and we love it!

You may recall that I was unsure about what to do for a shower curtain. I  the loved the idea of going extra long and hanging the shower curtain almost to the ceiling. I felt it would make the room appear larger. The problem was finding a shower curtain that long. Not an easy task! Extra long is considered 84 inches in the shower curtain world and for our bathroom that was going to be about 5 inches too short.

Looked like custom was the way to go. I first thought about having it made, both through an online source and locally. Unfortunately, once you factored in the cost of fabric and labor, it seemed a little bit outrageous. Especially considering how much the bathroom renovation drained my bank account already!

Originally, I wanted a white shower curtain. I love white in general but I also wanted the space to feel as airy and bright as possible. Our tiler kept insisting that it was going to be too much white and that I should go with a light grey to pick up the grey in the marble floor. I told him he was so so wrong. But guess what? He was right all along. I admit it now!

I had a pair of grey Ikea Aina curtain panels that measured 98 inches long. They were actually the perfect color for the room and the big bonus? Free, since I already had them. I took them to my seamstress and she hemmed them to 88 inches, sewed the two panels together then cut it to 72 inches wide (standard for a shower curtain). She also added button holes at the top for the shower hooks.

They are linen so even after a hot, steamy iron, they are quite wrinkly but I like the relaxed look. Feels good to have one more thing checked off the list. Will share more soon!

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