How to install Whatsapp on Java Devices

  WhatsApp messenger allows the exchange of instant messages over the internet to keep in touch with friends at a less data plan and no sms ...


  WhatsApp messenger allows the exchange of instant messages over the internet to keep in touch with friends at a less data plan and no sms cost. WhatsApp also enable it’s users to send audio and video messages  to friends at an unlimited rate and even supports the creating of group discussions with friends. This Messenger is popular among youth but nowadays even Old ones Are using This just because of its easy user interference . But Unfortunately this messenger is supported only by Popular operating systems like Android,Blackberry,IOS,windows phone and some of the Symbian Devices , But despair not Toady in this Guide we will show you How To Run Whatsapp on Java phones .

This Procedure is Personally Tested By me On My friend's Nokia Asha 205 (Java) and it worked successfully .

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Requirements before Proceeding :-

- Minimum 5 Mb Free phone memory 

- It is recommended to use a Dual sim Phone Because 1 st sim will run Internet and 2 nd sim will import contacts . if u will not use  a dual sim phone then setting up favorites will be failed and you have to manage without favorites that means you have to add contacts manually .

How to install Whatsapp on Java Mobiles 

- Downlaod Whatsapp java package From Here

- This file is in Zip Format Extract it .

- Copy the whole Folder to memory Card ( Recommended by computer ,you can use a card reader for copying )

- Now Go to folder , Do not launch Whatsapp 

- Copy the application From your Memory card To your applications/Games folder

- Now go Back to initial( Memory card) folder and delete the folder 

-  Now go to the whatsapp application in your phone

- click the option button and click update version 

- let it update then you can open the application 

- follow all instructions and be patient

- When it is finally opening, you will get updating notification enabler let it load

-  It will fail and tell you phone not supported

-  Close it and your whatsapp is installed.

Note for Those who want Unzipped version on whatsapp .

   Download These Both files  FILE1    FILE2

- Copy them to a folder on your memory card, then rename them like this WhatsApp_jar will now be WhatsApp.jar then WhatsApp_jad will be WhatsApp.jar after this follow the  above steps .

Have a look at How To Hide Last Seen Time In 


Kindly Pm Me if you Stuck At any level.

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