LIME JA$4999 Huawei Y330 and Digicel's JA$100 2 Day Data Plans - Voice and Data Summer War as CET Removal coming on July 1st 2014

This Summer of 2014 Telecom Provider Digicel and Telecom Provider LIME are battling it out. They have smartphones and Tablets with prices se...

Summer of 2014 Telecom Provider Digicel
and Telecom Provider LIME are battling
it out.

have smartphones and Tablets with prices set to fall by Tuesday July 1st
2014 thanks to the GOJ (Government of Jamaica) removing the 20% CET (Common
External Tariff) on smartphones as I’d predicted in my blog article
entitled “Digicel
poised to sell 20,000 Mobile Devices in June 2014 - GOJ's CET

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