Sometimes you surprise yourself

Last night walking up stairs my legs were soar. I was getting nervous about today's workout. Today was 3sets of 7x1. I was dreading...

Last night walking up stairs my legs were soar. I was getting nervous about today's workout. Today was 3sets of 7x1. I was dreading it 7 of them man.

But they weren't that bad. Well let me take that back, they were bad, but someohow I made it all the way through and found my place in the pain. Did them at 320 W on the Tacx. did some in ergo mode and some in slope mode.

Felt like puking sometimes. My legs almost felt like they were going to cramp. The fatigue is setting in. Today was 2nd day of a block, and tomorrow will be my first 3day. But it doesnt look too bad. I'm pretty wiped out by the end of the day lately.

I came upstairs and was just sitting at the kitchen table with the 1000yard stare. Saying to the powers that be, Please make all this worth it. A few more weeks of the SMSP then it's a shift of mindset to the MSP, which hurt just as much but in their own way. Those are longer intervals like 8-12 mins with half the rest, but at a lower power setting. Takes a lot of effort to not watch the clock constantly.

Busy weekend. nice weather. gonna go hiking with the kids, wash the cars, finish a window box I've been making for my son, maybe add some tweeters in the subauru, chores, vacuum, etc..


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