Chinese water torture

Sometimes life's little micro stresses add up like Chinese Water torture. Must be thankful that we don't have any major stresses li...

Sometimes life's little micro stresses add up like Chinese Water torture. Must be thankful that we don't have any major stresses like a devastating illness or death in the family, the kind of thing that sucker punches you in the gut. But life MWC, FTJ is pretty tough sometimes, and one cannot understimate the toll that it takes on your energy and training racing have to be put into that mix with a grain of salt.

Just seems like that last few months have been crazy hectic. But isn't it supposed to get easier with the kids getting older? It is not like they are both in diapers. My theory is it doesn't matter what the situation is. One's stress level always seem to gravitate towards just a hair more than you want. Just like money. You always change your spending habits to accomodate your salary. And you're always just a little short. So it doesn't matter if you are a trustafarian with no kids and you can't figure out if you want a Latte with Soy or double half cap with cream, or if you've got no kids, one kid, or 5 kids, babies in diapers, or teenagers, or are on welfare, or make a mint. It's tough all over.

Lukie spit at me
There's mulch in my shoe
There's wet on my shirt
I have to work this weekend
Coaching Soccer on Friday
Lucas has another ear infection
Rain gutter is busted
Shelves to build, mantle to build
Toy parts all over the house

Some stress is are in your face, others are on the periphery, like the keep up with the Joneses pressure. seems much more prevalant among people with kids too. Especially things like birthday parties, mom's trying to one up each other. Not a thing with Dad's as we would just have a keg and chips at our kid's birthday party. Family vacations, kids activities.. Always some kid down the street who is phemon in sports, or another who's a concert violinist.

I'm riding at my best and it's hard to enjoy it sometimes with the craziness. My wife tolerates the training/racing but it's not like she is on the edge of her seat waiting to hear about my awesome ride or race. Can't blame her one bit. She has got to deal with so much. Taking care of two boys, one with kid neurotics that go to 11 sometimes, working part time, volunteering at school, cooking, cleaning, laundry, working out, etc. etc. etc. And then she has to deal with me. Compared to a 1950s father or today's golfing fathers I'm awesome and I help as best I can. But I'd turn every white piece of clothing pink given a chance, don't know how to load the dishwasher properly, can't be trusted at the grocery store unless I've got the exact name of the item and the bar code, don't know how too cook, and await a medal ceremony every time I vacuum and clean the cat litter.

So I'm living proof that no genetic talent (NGT) can be overcome with good training and focus. But the rest of life....

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