Nuclear melt down averted

Wife was babysitting kids across the street, I'm putting both kids down for bed. Little one has to have certain toy. Playmobile bicycl...

Wife was babysitting kids across the street, I'm putting both kids down for bed. Little one has to have certain toy. Playmobile bicycle. Yeah it's pretty cool his fav toy of the millisecond is a bicycle, but that bike was getting ready to find it's way into the In-sink-er-a-tor.


He had all the parts but the LEEEEEEtle handlebars. You can just see the orange blinking lights start to go off that we have on the walls.

The overhead lights begin to flicker and the EXIT signs and emergency low level lighting come on.

Nuclear meltdown imminent.

Being the trained Nuclear safety engineer that I am having watched my share of Simpsons episodes, I clear my mind and act fast. Found this 1" part within minutes and saved the day.

Never a dull moment.

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