Poetry slam

First two day block of outdoor rides. Got 1:45 from my house, down Tabor to Gravel Hill back up Harding. Running on fumes towards the end o...

First two day block of outdoor rides. Got 1:45 from my house, down Tabor to Gravel Hill back up Harding. Running on fumes towards the end of the day. Slammed it though.

Was up on my feet from midnight to 3:30 am making scrambled eggs for drunk fraternity/sorority kids. I know I know not your typical community service. Church thing, pastor thought up free breakfast after partying would be a good way to reach out to college community. 300 breakfasts last time they did it, slow night last night 150-200.

Guy down the street sort of cornered me into helping out. Just couldn't say no. Totally exhausted by 9pm. Thinking what the hell am I doing. I hated the typical frat / sorority people when I was in school and find them to be even worse now. Way more sense of entitlement, fostered by their parent's wealth yada yada yada. Anyway last thing I wanted to do was stay up all night doing that.

But it actually was a lot of fun. The joint was jumping, 4 burners going for eggs, cooking, cracking eggs, waffles, biscuits, bacon. Some funny drunk people, lots of thanks. I was cooking whole time which was probably better than having to seat people and take orders.

Anyway, didn't get to bed till 4am. And was fried after that mtn bike ride. Wife was good to me and let me sleep in and had coffee waiting. Got out at for my ride after the bike path with the kids.

Wife said to have a good ride. But what she really meant to say was
Yeah, you go enjoy your ride on this awesome spring day. While I slave here on this god forsaken mulch pile. I hope you get chased by dogs and that a freak rain storm pours in your general direction. And that you get gel all over your fingers and shifters

I didn't get chased or rained on, but I did get rasberry Hammer gel all over my fingers and brake levers.

Was trying to haul it from the get go. Legs didn't want to cooperate. I could get to that sustainable zone, but when going over the redline it hurt bad. Hard to honk it up hills. Saw a guy that said hi and my name. But didn't turn around to stop. Had to get a move on, time's a wasting. I'm pretty anti social on the bike these days. Don't know how to do a group ride anymore esp on the mtn bike with all the waiting.

Just like Jesse the Body. "I ain't got time to bleed" Ain't got time to chit chat.

Man it was hurting, Just trying to move and keep the speed going. Made it to the bottom of Harding with Average of 18.1mph. That is real good for me. The climb up was agony. My back had been hurting the whole ride, sitting standing whatever I could do to get to the top. Came up on a guy in the S turns. Threw a bungee around him mentally and reeled him and past. Quick greeting and apology for not hanging around. I had to get to the top ASAP to stop the pain.

made it home in 1:44 with ave of16.7 for the ride. Not bad.
This is a good way to set up a mini peak for the May 1 ride. 1 third day of 1hr of balls out would be better, but the sleep depravation is going to hit like bricks tomorrow. Better quite while I'm ahead.


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