Axigen Monthly Digest - February

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Axigen newsletter February 2009  
Axigen Monthly Digest - February
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Axigen PR Manager Alina Popescu
PR Manager
Axigen Monthly Digest - February
Dear Axigen Friends,

Welcome to the February issue of the Axigen Monthly Digest! We have prepared fresh news, articles, webinars and a new Axigen release for you.
In this month's digest:
  1. Axigen Joins Microsoft's Empower Initiative for ISVs
  2. Upcoming Webinar: Comply with Data Retention Regulations
  3. New Article: Axigen Compliance with E.U. and U.S. Data Retention Policies
  4. New Article - Expand Your Email Server to Suit Your Needs
  5. New Product: Axigen Mail Server 6.2.2 with AVG Antivirus and Antispam Protection
  6. New site section: Upcoming Features
Axigen Joins Microsoft's Empower Initiative for ISVs
Axigen has recently joined the Empower for ISVs (Independent Software Vendors) initiative, partnership program designed by Microsoft, worldwide leader in software, services and solutions. Empower combines deep industry knowledge, useful tools, powerful research expertise and innovative thinking aimed at supporting global business growth. By joining this initiative, Axigen reinstates that it is equipped with the latest technology to exceed customers and business needs while remaining on the leading-edge of innovation. Find out more on our website:
Upcoming Webinar: Comply with Data Retention Regulations
Complying with the laws in force regarding data retention and preservation is a must for virtually any company offering publicly available electronic communications services or public communications networks. These organizations need to abide by a series of regulations regarding the use of data generated and processed by email communication systems aimed, among others, at protecting sensitive information and preventing ever increasing threats such as unauthorized disclosure of personal and confidential details or user privacy infringements. To get acquainted with European Union and United States' data retention regulations and learn how to deploy and maintain a fully compliant and secure messaging solution, we invite you to sign up for our free webinar on Axigen Mail Server's retention facilities, available here:
New Article: Axigen Compliance with E.U. and U.S. Data Retention Policies
The Internet news sites and blogs have all been buzzing lately with reports of privacy infringements by various IT companies, regulation changes and updates on the laws already in effect, all related to data retention policies. The majority of companies providing IT services in one way or another have to abide by these new regulations in order to comply with the new standards. Initially, data retention was not mandatory, but it soon became clear (mostly in the past few years) that legal, administrative, commercial and even social interests can be better protected through such an initiative.

This fresh article explains how the Axigen messaging solution is in compliance with both United States and European Union currently effective laws and policies related to data retention and data preservation:
New Article - Expand Your Email Server to Suit Your Needs
Lately, more and more companies that rely on IT services have begun to understand the true benefits of network subsystem interaction. Some of the well established examples are already accepted as being the de facto way of doing things. To a lot of people, the Apache integration with MySQL or PHP is no longer considered to be a bunch of independent software packages that cooperate. This cooperation is so productive that everything got merged into a single concept: the AMP (i.e. LAMP, WAMP etc.).

Along the same lines, the Axigen electronic messaging solution can be expanded to provide external applications with the information required to perform advanced tasks in a very productive and cost effective way. Find out more on the available expansion methods by following this link:
New Product: Axigen Mail Server 6.2.2 with AVG Antivirus and Antispam Protection
We have recently launched a new product version of our messaging solution, Axigen Mail Server 6.2.2, which comes with new security options and many other enhancements. Following our partnering with AVG Technologies, their powerful antivirus and antispam protection for email servers now complements our software's defensive tool set and the already available antispam and antivirus solutions, such as Commtouch, enabling us to provide an even higher level of security over email communications. To find out more, please visit the following links:
New site section: Upcoming Features
In an effort to keep you up to date with the projects we are working on, we have added an Upcoming Features section to our website. On this page, all ongoing projects the Axigen team is involved in are described in detail and you can also find out when they are going to be released. You can access the page directly by visiting the below link or by following this navigation path: Home>Products>Features and Platforms>Upcoming Features.
About Gecad Technologies and Axigen
Gecad Technologies SA is the vendor of Axigen, a professional messaging solution that ensures an efficient and secure worldwide communication environment and business growth for both service providers and companies of all sizes. Our cutting-edge products, based on proprietary architectures such as Axigen GrowSecure™, Axigen SmartProcessing™ and Axigen UltraStorage™, are currently distributed internationally by over 170 partners from 80 countries, managing email traffic for more than 11,000 companies with 6 million end-users. For further details, please visit:
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