Free professional photo shoot & live help in choosing profiles

Step in for FREE Photo Shoot Live Site Demo & Wonderful Surprises! Dear Sekhar (T897...

Step in for
FREE Photo Shoot
Live Site Demo & Wonderful
Dear Sekhar (T897739),
Visit our BharatMatrimony Centre in Siliguri anytime between 10 AM and 7 PM on
20 & 21 February 2009 and here's what you get to do absolutely FREE!
Upload your photo to your profile
View a live demo on how to use the site better
Get help in searching and short-listing profiles
Avail discounts on paid membership
Learn more about our marriage counseling service
Participation is based on prior confirmation and on first-come first-served basis.
Please click on the button below to confirm your participation.
Siliguri: BMC
2 Balai Das Chatterjee Road,
Hakim Para.
Ph : 0353-2460915/ 9800088008
For further details you can contact us at the respective phone numbers.
Wishing you luck in your partner search,
Team - BharatMatrimony

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