Layoff alternatives: Tighten the belt without wielding the ax


February 20, 2009 Published by

IT News and Trends: Blog Edition
Qualities of a good leader: Avoid layoffs at all cost?
Kristen Caretta, Associate Editor

An article on our sister site,, this week highlighted the qualities of a good leader during a recession, culling advice from leadership experts and CIOs. The list includes qualities such as utilizing the ability to inspire those around you, having communication (and listening) skills, proving you can perform and drive results, being able to prioritize, and then -- BAM! Avoiding layoffs at all costs. Something that seems almost impossible, as daily news headlines remind us.

In the article, Jason Jennings, an author, speaker and consultant who has studied more than 100,000 companies, said the most productive companies are completely opposed to layoffs. Why? As soon as layoffs begin, employees start to worry about themselves and their futures as opposed to their work.

But with expectations that unemployment will top 9% in 2009 and budgets that are painfully tight, aren't layoffs necessary?
Learn more about layoff alternatives

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