New York Police Testing Hybrid Cars in Patrols

Looks like New York is getting a little more hybrid over the next couple of weeks.  The police force will be testing out 40 Hybrid Altimas o...

Looks like New York is getting a little more hybrid over the next couple of weeks.  The police force will be testing out 40 Hybrid Altimas out as police vehicles.

18 have been outfitted as patrol cars,  20 are unmarked, and 2 more will be disguised as taxis.

It's the latest step in NYC since they decided to support the Pickens Plan to begin "reducing America's dependence on foreign oil by investing in renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, and promoting alternative fuel vehicles.".

The cost so far has been $1.1 million, but if things go well, the whole fleet of police cars may go hybrid.

"We won't know whether they are suitable for wider use until they are subjected to the NYPD's demanding environment, which includes virtual 24-hour-a-day operation by multiple drivers," NYPD spokesman Paul Browne told the Post.

But then, the NY taxi fleet was supposed to go hybrid, too.

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