Saving lives: Using software-based video conferencing in hospitals


February 19, 2009 Published by

Unified Communications Connection
Software-based video conferencing connects British hospitals
Shamus McGillicuddy, News Editor

In London, a network of 11 hospitals maintains a multidisciplinary team that consults on the assessment and treatment of cancer patients. But efficiently assembling this team was a challenge. When the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS) mandated that these teams use video to collaborate, the hospitals selected a software-based video-conferencing product to connect them.

Some of the hospitals had video-conferencing technology in place already, but the systems were heterogeneous and didn't fit the needs of the multidisciplinary teams (MDTs), according to Alan Lowe, West London Cancer Network's project manager.
Read more about using video conferencing in hospitals.

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Top 20 UC and IP telephony questions and answers 2008
Our experts were busy this year answering your questions about unified communications and IP telephony.
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Security concerns for migrating from open source VoIP to UC
Question: We currently use an open source VoIP server but want to make the move to unified communications (UC). Are there any special security concerns to be aware of?

Answer: When I was first asked to narrow down the top issues in troubleshooting IP PBXs, I went into a tailspin. I couldn't get off of first base. Your question is the same. The short answer is yes and the abbreviated short answer, regarding "special security concerns," is that I think the concerns are the same. There maybe a different focus when dealing with open source solutions, but I would hesitate to call it "special." Security is never not an issue.

Open source, in one example of a platform used for many web forums is found vulnerable. It needs patching but this doesn't mean that...
Read the rest of this expert answer.

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