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Legal Aspects of Incident Investigation

What you will learn by tuning into the Legal Aspects of Incident Investigation Webinar?

  • Importance of competent initial response
  • Statements that can help or hurt the organization
  • Use of digital photography
  • Pitfalls regarding recording of and preparation of written witness statements
  • Preservation of chain of custody for physical evidence
  • Management of an evidence locker
  • Statutes of limitations
  • Spoliation of evidence
  • Document handling
  • Investigation-report writing
  • Question and answer period
Who Should Watch It?

Anyone with responsibility for incident investigation in the United States or where American law is applied will benefit from this FREE Webinar. Even many experienced investigators are not well-versed in the legal pitfalls that can ensnare the unwary investigator, and there are many presented under American law.

Webinar Duration: 1 1/2 hours
Presenter: Kathy Adams



Lean Maintenance: Best Practices to Turn Asset Management Into a Profit-Center

Lean is the elimination of enterprise waste, the streamlining of processes to increase productivity, and the more efficient use of capital assets and valued personnel in the pursuit of continuously improving bottom lines. It is common knowledge that asset downtime disrupts production and drives up both process and per unit operating costs. The irony is that companies can use asset performance management in implementing lean maintenance techniques not only to make more widgets, but to make each widget more profitably.

This paper provides concrete suggestions and identifies specific areas within the maintenance process where companies and enterprises can reduce waste, increase reliability, and view the maintenance effort as an integral part of a lean business posture. Recommended areas of improvement:

  • Optimize parts inventory so parts are available for preventative and corrective maintenance
  • Facilitate preventative maintenance activities for critical assets
  • Provide cross-training for personnel to allow more skill flexibility
  • Encourage and empower all stakeholders to initiate improvements

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