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Microwave Engineering Europe

Microwave Engineering Europe is the leading journal for microwave professionals, serving microwave and RF engineers in design and management with concise, authoritative coverage of mobile communications, radar, satellite communications and industrial applications of radio frequency technology. European subscribers will receive our print edition while subscribers in other countries will receive the digital edition via email.



Marine Log

Marine Log is America's most respected marine industry monthly and is dedicated to providing marine industry professionals with the information they need to enable them to design, build and operate vessels, rigs and offshore structures, profitably, safely, legally and in an environmentally responsible manner.

Marine Log serves the fields of vessel operations, ownership and management; shipyards and ship repair yards; naval architectural firms, marine engineering firms, marine consultants; port authorities and terminals; Navy, Coast Guard and other governmental agencies operating vessels; marine finance, marine insurance and maritime law. Qualified industry personnel are eligible to receive free subscriptions. These include executive and technical personnel, operational and financial personnel, purchasing and sales/marketing personnel.

Marine Log is a publication of Simmons-Boardman Publishing, New York.

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Delivers incisive, informed and in-depth coverage of the technology and business issues affecting the specification, purchase and deployment of optical equipment, networks and services across Europe.
Request Plant Services
Reaches over 35,000 medium to large plants across all U.S. processing and durable goods industries, including utilities and power generation facilities.
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Provides design, application and product information about devices, components, subsystems and system technology, as well as theory, practical uses, applications and industry news.
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