Victorian bushfire events map

You may have read the Victorian Premier's announcement - we're pleased to have developed the Victorian Bushfire Events map for the...

You may have read the Victorian Premier's announcement - we're pleased to have developed the Victorian Bushfire Events map for the Victorian Government. We worked with the Premier's staff to get this up and running and hope that it's useful.

Any organisation can upload a bushfires-related event to this map - such as a fundraiser, gathering or memorial service - by clicking on "Add a New Event". Anyone can see upcoming events in map view, or in calendar view.

To embed this map on your website (as the Premier of Victoria has done), just copy this HTML code and paste it on your site:

<iframe src="" border="1"
align="left" frameborder="0" height="900" scrolling="no"

To create the map, we used Google App Engine and the Google Calendar and Google Maps APIs. For developers interested in using the data to make mashups, there's also a JSON feed that you're free to use.

Again we offer our thanks to everyone helping out in the aftermath of these tragic fires - including the Country Fire Authority, Victorian Government and the thousands of volunteers and donors from Victoria and around Australia.

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